For most muggles and non-Whovians, Bigger on the inside is an impossibility that doesn’t exist, and barely, if ever crosses someone’s mind. HOWEVER, if you’re familiar with Doctor Who or a true die hard fan of The Doctor, Bigger on the Inside means something more, as you can see in these two clips:
In short, Time Lord Science is amazing.
Or perhaps you’re more familiar with the wizarding world of Harry Potter, and like Harry in the clip below you just “love magic.” For you, Bigger on the Inside is a little more like this:
Yet for most of us, both Time Lord science and magic aren’t readily available, and so Bigger on the Inside can’t literally be applied to our homes or our cars or our offices. BUT, that doesn’t mean that we can’t make our living spaces FEEL bigger on the inside.
Is this possible you ask? With basic Feng Shui it is!!
One of the basic principles of Feng Shui is de-cluttering living spaces allowing for more energy flow. In fact, in Feng Shui, before you can even begin to truly transform your house, you have to de-clutter it first. I recently started going through clutter from as small as papers and unread mail to pieces of furniture I just didn’t need, and the impact on my apartment and my life has been amazing!
Why live like this:
When you can live in a home that clear of clutter, like this:
So What is Clutter Exactly?
Feng Shui defines clutter as blocked energy that drains energy from you while lowering the quality of your life.
For the average person, clutter is anything that you don’t use, like or have a place for.
For sci-fi fans, think of clutter as space junk that’s somehow found a way to attach itself to your ship. It’s slowing you down and is only going to cause problems. Nothing good every really comes of space junk...
What to do about it
So in order to honor, or attempt to figuratively mimic Time Lord science and wizarding magic there are three easy rules to get started on de-cluttering your home or office.
IF YOU DON’T USE IT, GET RID OF IT. If you haven’t used it in the last 6 months to a year, do you really use it? When is the last time you did? If you haven't ever used it or used it recently, it should probably go. However, getting “rid” of something you might need in the future doesn’t have to be definite. You might be able to lend such an object out to friends or family, and then borrow it back if you need it later. Or if you’re feeling extremely giving, you might give it to someone who has much more need of it that you.
IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT, GET RID OF IT. This may sound silly, but sometimes we hold onto things because people gave them to us, or we haven’t had the time to go through it. But if you generally don’t like something that is just adding to the clutter, get ride of it. Again, you don’t have to throw it away, you can give it away or donate it.
IF YOU DON’T HAVE A PLACE FOR IT, DO YOU NEED IT? IF NOT, GET RID OF IT. People tend to acquire things. Or at least I know I do. But that doesn’t mean you want, need, or have room for the things you acquire. But what if you actually do need it? Yes, that is an extremely valid argument. but the truth is if you really need it, you’ll find a place to put it, even if that means moving or getting rid of something else in order for it to have a place.
By following these three steps, you really can make a big difference in your home, and in your life. Bigger on the inside, really is a big concept, and capable a great and wonderful things just like magic and Time Lord science. And if you’re really interested in taking the next step in de-cluttering your home you can find more information and links here, and a year long, little by little monthly plan here.
So get out there and start de-cluttering! Allons-y!
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